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Han En

NameHan En

Technical postAssociate Professor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Room 608



Received Ph.D   in chemistry from Nanjing University in 2011 and then entered the post   doctoral programs of Food Science and Engineering at Jiangsu University.

Professional   Experience

2011.9-present   Jiangsu University School of Food and Biological Engineering Teacher

Scientific Research Field

Nanobiosensor   and electroanalytical chemistry, Food safety and detection

Social   academic post and honor

Teaching Courses

Food   Chemistry, Food Quality Control Technology, Food Quality Management

Published   papers

[1] Han E.;   Yang Y.; He Z.; Cai J. R.; Zhang X. A., Dong X. Y. Development of tyrosinase   biosensor based on quantum dots/chitosan nanocomposite for detection of   phenolic compounds Anal. Biochem., 2015, 486, 102-106.
  [2] Han, E.; Li, X.; Cai, J. R.; Cui, H. Y.; Zhang, X. A. Development of   Highly Sensitive Amperometric Biosensor for Glucose Using Carbon   Nanosphere/Sodium Alginate Composite Matrix for Enzyme Immobilization Anal.   Sci., 2014, 30, 897.
  [3] Han, E.; Ding, L.; Qian, R. C.; Bao, L.; Ju, H. X. Sensitive   chemiluminescent imaging for chemoselective analysis of glycan expression on   living cells using multifunctional nanoprobe Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 1452–1458.   (IF: 5.856)
  [4] Han, E.; Ding, L.; Ju, H. X. Highly sensitive fluorescent analysis of   dynamic glycan expression on living cells using glyconanoparticles and   functionalized quantum dots Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 7006–7012. (IF: 5.856)
  [5] Han, E.; Ding, L.; Jin, S.; Ju, H. X. Electrochemiluminescent biosensing   of carbohydrate-functionalized CdS nanocomposites for in situ label-free   analysis of cell surface carbohydrate Biosens. Bioelectron. 2011, 26,   2500–2505. (IF: 5.602)
  [6] Han, E.; Ding, L.; Lian, H. Z.; Ju, H. X. Cytosensing and dynamic   monitoring of cell surface carbohydrate expression by   electrochemiluminescence of quantum dots Chem. Commun., 2010, 30, 5446–5448.   (IF: 6.169)
  [7] Han, E.; Shan D,; Xue H. G.; Cosnier, S. Hybrid material based on   chitosan and layered double hydroxides: Characterization and application to   the design of amperometric phenol biosensor Biomacromolecules 2007, 8,   971–975. (IF: 5.479)
  [8] Shan, D.; Han, E.; Xue, H.G.; Cosnier, S. Self-assembled films of   hemoglobin/laponite/chitosan: Application for the direct electrochemistry and   catalysis to hydrogen peroxide Biomacromolecules 2007, 8, 3041–3046. (IF:   5.479)
  [9] Shi, Q. F.; Han, E.; Shan, D.; Yao, W. J.; Xue, H. G. Development of a   high analytical performance amperometric glucose biosensor based on glucose   oxidase immobilized in a composite matrix: layered double hydroxides/chitosan   Bioprocess. Biosyst. Eng. 2008, 31, 519–526. (IF: 1.809)
  [10] Shan, D.; Zhu, M. J.; Han, E.; Xue, H. G.; Cosnierc, S. Calcium   carbonate nanoparticles: A host matrix for the construction of highly   sensitive amperometric phenol biosensor Biosens. Bioelectron. 2007, 23,   648–654. (IF: 5.602)

Main Scientific Research Projects

1. Study on   functional nanoprobe-based electrochemical immunosensor for detection of   foodborne pathogens, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.   21205050)
  2. Electrochemical immunosensor based on functional carbon nanosphere for   detection of pesticide residues, Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China   (No. 2012M511224)
  3. Construction of the electrochemical biosensor based on functional carbon   nanosphere and its application in the field of food analysis, Natural Science   Foundation of Jiangsu University (No. 12JDG038)


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated

Nov.  2017

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