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Zhang Hai-hui

NameZhang Hai-hui

Technical postAssociate Prof.

AddressNo. 301, Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang 212013, China



1994.9-1998.7,   Bachelor of Animal Husbandry, Jilin Agricultural University;                      
  1998.9-2001.7, Master of Animal Nutrition, Jilin Agricultural University;                                            
  2001.9-2004.6, Ph.D. of Grain, Oil and Plant Protein Engineering, Jiangnan   University.            

Professional   Experience

2005.7-present,   Engaged in teaching and research work, School of Food & Biological   Engineering, Jiangsu University;     2006.11-2009.11, Postdoctoral research, Postdoctoral Research Station of Food   Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University;                                            
  2015.1-2016.1, Visiting scholar, Department of Food Science, College of   Natural Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst.    

Scientific Research Field

1. Extraction,   separation and preparation of the active ingredient, such as polyphenols,   polysaccharide and proteins, in medicinal and edible plants.                                            
  2. Evaluation of active ingredients involves anti-oxidative stress, antitumor,   immune regulation and anti radiation etc.

Social academic post and honor

Member of   Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology;                                            
  Member of Jiangsu Society of Biochemistry.      

Teaching Courses

Responsible   for undergraduate/postgraduate courses “Food Enzymology” and “Food   Toxicology”.

Published   papers

Main papers   (2010-present):                                            
  1. Yuqing Duan, Zhigao Wang, Haihui Zhang*, Yuanqing He, Rong Fan, Yanxiang   Cheng, Guibo Sun and Xiaobo Sun*. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic   field causes cognitive impairmentoned associated with alteration of MAPKs   pathway activation and decreased CREB phosphorylation in the hippocampus:   reversal by procyanidins extracted from the lotus seedpod. Food &   Function. 2014,5:2289-2297                                            
  2. Haihui Zhang, Jinfeng Li, Yuqing Duan*, Can Zhang, Yongsheng Yan, Guibo   Sun, Xiaobo Sun*. Cytotoxic effects of chestnut shell extract on human   hepatoma G2 cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2014, 66: 166-176                                 3. Yuqing Duan, Zhigao Wang, Haihui Zhang*, Yuanqing He, Rongzhu Lu, Rui   Zhang, Guibo Sun, Xiaobo Sun. The preventive effect of lotus seedpod   procyanidins on cognitive impairment and oxidative damage induced by   extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure. Food & Function,   2013, 4 (8):1252-1262                                            
  4. Yuqing Duan, Xiaoping Luo, Yu Qin, Haihui Zhang*, Guibo Sun, Xiaobo Sun,   Yongsheng Yan Determination of epigallocatechin-3-gallate using a high   efficiency electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinted   poly(ophenylenediamine) film. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013,   129(5):2882-2890                                            
  5. Yuqing Duan, Xiaoping Luo, Haihui Zhang*, Guibo Sun, Xiaobo Sun, Haile Ma.   A computational approach to design electrochemical sensor and determination   of acephate in aqueous solution based on molecularly imprinted   poly(o-phenylenediamine) film. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5(22): 6449-6456                                            
  6. Haihui Zhang, Feifei Xu, Yuqing Duan*, Xiaoping Luo, Yongsheng Yan, Guibo   Sun, Xiaobo Sun. Separation and enrichment of EGCG by molecularly imprinted   solid-phase extraction technique. Journal of Jiangsu University(Natural   Science Edition). 2013, 34 (6): 658-662.                                            
  7. Yuqing Duan, Zhigao Wang, Yu Qin, Haihui Zhang*, Guibo Sun, Xiaobo Sun,   Yongsheng Yan. The preventive effect of lotus seedpod procyanidins on   cognitive impairment and oxidative damage induced by extremely low frequency   electromagnetic field exposure. Food & Function, 2013, 4 (8):1252 - 1262                                            
  8. Yuqing Duan, Xiaoping Luo, Yu Qin, Haihui Zhang*, Guibo Sun, Xiaobo Sun,   Yongsheng Yan Determination of epigallocatechin-3-gallate using a high   efficiency electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinted   poly(ophenylenediamine) film. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013,   129(5):2882-2890                                            
  9. Yuqing Duan, Xiaoping Luo, Haihui Zhang*, Guibo Sun, Xiaobo Sun, Haile Ma.   Computational approach to design electrochemical sensor and determination of   acephate in aqueous solution based on molecularly imprinted poly(o-phenylenediamine)   film. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5(22): 6449-6456                                            
  10. Yuqing Duan, Yu Qin, Feifei Xu, Haihui Zhang*, Yongsheng Yan, Can Zhang,   Haile Ma. Optimization of the process parameters of synthesis of oligomeric   procyanidins imprinted polymer. Scientific Research and Essays, 2010, 5:   2953-2964                                          
  11. Haihui zhang, Yuqing Duan*, Jinfeng Li, Haile Ma, Tingting Shao, Feifei   Xu. Separation and purification procyanidins from chestnut-shells by   macroporous resin. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural   Machinery. 2011, 42(5): 156-159 (EI)                                            
  12. Haihui zhang, Yan Wu, Yuqing Duan*, Xiaofeng Ren, Yue Hu. Optimization   for the extraction and function characteristics of protein from rice bran by   subcritical water. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural   Machinery. 2011, 42(11): 139-143 (EI)                                            
  13. Haihui Zhang, Yuqing Duan*, Bijun Xie. Antioxidative activities of lotus   seed hulls extracts. Proceedings of the 15th Tri-university International   Joint Seminar and Symposium. 2008, 113-115                      
  14. Yuqing Duan, Haihui Zhang, Feifei Xu, Bijun Xie, Xianwen Yang, Yong Wang,   Yongsheng Yan. Inhibition effect of procyanidins from lotus seedpod on mouse   B16 melanoma in vivo and in vitro. Food Chemistry, 2010, 122: 84-91                     15. Yuqing Duan, Haihui Zhang, Bijun Xie, Yongshen Yan, Jinfeng Li, Feifei   Xu, Yu Qin. Whole body gamma irradiation of albino mice: radioprotective   activity of procyanidins from Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. Seedpod. Food and   Chemical Toxicology, 2010, 48: 3374-3384

Main Scientific Research Projects

1. National   Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31371734): Nutrition intervention   and molecular mechanism of procyanidins on oxidative stress. (Principle   Investigator)                                          
  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31201456): Autophagic death   in tumor cells induced by procyanidins from Castanea mollissima Bl. shell and   its mechanism. (Co-Principle Investigator)                                            
  3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30970309):   Separation/preconcentration behavior and mechanism of surface molecular   micro/nano-imprinting on procyanidins isomer. (Co-Principle Investigator)                                    4. National Major Scientific and   Technological Special Project (2009ZX09502~015, 2012ZX09501001): Significant   New Drugs Creation (sub-project). (Co-Principle Investigator)                                            
  5. Natural Science Foundation for Colleges and Universities of Jiangsu   Province of China (05KJB550011): Inhibition effect and molecular mechanism of   procyanidins from Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn seedpod on melanoma. (Co-Principle   Investigator)                                          
  6. Jiangsu University senior talent fund (07JDG044): Preparation and   activities of anti-oxidative peptide from ice bran. (Principle Investigator)          


Thirteen   patents applied and three of them has been authorized.

1. Preparation   method of electrochemical sensor for rapid detection of EGCG by thermal   polymerization. (Authorized patent, ZL201210241543.3)

2. Preparation   method of Electrochemical sensor for fast detection of EGCG by electro   polymerization. (Authorized patent, ZL201210241545. 2)

3. CN102060936A:   A method of rice bran polysaccharide extracted with subcritical water.   (Authorized patent, ZL201110002219.1)

4. A process   for preparing ultrafine powder of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) leaf.   (CN103190578A)

5. A series of   dishes and making method using radish leaf. (201310562826.2)

6. Preparation   method of betel ultra micro powder. (201310563401.3)  

7. Preparation   method of radish facial mask powder. (201310565233.1)

8. Preparation   method of a radish nutrient chewable tablet. (201310562728.9)

9. Preparation   method of a dietary fiber by subcritical water extraction.   (201310562708.1)

10. A method   of extracting polysaccharide and protein at the same time by subcritical   water extraction. (201410089141.5)  

11.   Preparation of procyanidins from lotus seedpod for the prevention of learning   and memory impairment and brain oxidative stress injury induced by   electromagnetic field.extremely low frequency. (CN103156839A)  

12.   Preparation of proanthocyanidin effervescent tablets. (CN101401798)

13.   Preparation of chestnut shell polyphenol. (CN101402657)

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

2008, the   Third Prize for Science and Technology Progress Award by Jiangsu Province.   (4/5)                                          
  2008, the Third Prize for Science and Technology Progress Award by Zhenjiang.   (4/5)      

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

3   master.

Number of   supervised undergraduates

More than 30.

The above   information updated


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