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Zhao Lina

NameZhao Lina

Technical postAssociate Professor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu   University



Ph.D. 2016. Jiangnan University, Food Science and Technology

M.S. 2012. Jiangsu University, Food Science

B.S. 2008. Henan Agricultural University, Food Science and Technology

Professional Experience

Jiangsu University, Lecturer, 2016-2019

Jiangsu University, Associate Professor, 2020-

Scientific Research Field

Food Microbiology; Biological control of postharvest diseases of fruits.

Social academic post and honor

Teaching Courses

Quarantine of Food Microorganisms; Fermentation engineering

Published papers

More than 30 papers have been published. Some first author papers in recent years are as follows:

[1] Lina Zhao, Fangtao He, Bo Li, Xiangyu Gu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Solairaj Dhanasekaran, Hongyin Zhang*. Transcriptomic analysis of the mechanisms involved in enhanced antagonistic efficacy of Meyerozyma guilliermondii by methyl jasmonate and disease resistance of postharvest apples. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2022, 160: 113323.

[2] Lina Zhao, Junjia Han, Bo Li, Xiaoyun Zhang, Xiangyu Gu, Qiya Yang, Kaili Wang, Hongyin Zhang*. Transcriptome analysis of the disease resistance in postharvest pears induced by Meyerozyma guilliermondii combined with alginate oligosaccharide. Biological Control, 2022, 170: 104931.

[3] Lina Zhao, Yuanjian Wang, Solairaj Dhanasekaran, Zhipeng Guo, Shangjian Chen, Xiaoyun Zhang, Hongyin Zhang*. Efficacy of Wickerhamomyces anomalus yeast in the biocontrol of blue mold decay in apples and investigation of the mechanisms involved. Biocontrol, 2021, 66(3):1-12.

[4] Lina Zhao, Huimin Zhu, Bo Li, Ngolong Ngea Guillaume Legrand, Xiangyu Gu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Solairaj Dhanasekaran, Hongyin Zhang*. Transcriptomic analysis of the disease-resistance response in mandarins induced by the biocontrol yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica. Biological Control, 2021, 163: 104607.

[5] Lina Zhao, Meiyan Wang, Bo Li, Solairaj Dhanasekaran, Kaili Wang, Xiangyu Gu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Hongyin Zhang*. Investigating proteome and transcriptome defense response of table grapes induced by Yarrowia lipolytica. Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 276: 109742.

[6] Lina Zhao, Yuanjian Wang, Yun Wang, Bo Li, Xiangyu Gu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Nana Adwoa Serwah Boateng, Hongyin Zhang*. Effect of beta-glucan on the biocontrol efficacy of Cryptococcus podzolicus against postharvest decay of pears and the possible mechanisms involved. Postharvest Biological and Technology, 2020, 160:111057.

[7] Lina Zhao, Yangyang Cheng, Bo Li, Xiangyu Gu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Nana Adwoa Serwah Boateng, Hongyin Zhang*. Integration of proteome and transcriptome data reveals the mechanism involved in controlling of Fusarium graminearum by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99(13):5760-5770.

[8] Lina Zhao, Huifang Li, Jiang Yu, Kun 投注平台, Xiaoyun Zhang, Qiya Yang, Hongyin Zhang*. Food Science, 2019, 40(16): 97-106.

[9] Lina Zhao, Yiwen Sun, Dongbiao Yang, Jun Li, Xiangyu Gu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Hongyin Zhang*. Effects of Sporidiobolus pararoseus Y16 on Postharvest Blue Mold Decay and the Defense Response of Apples. Journal of Food Quality, 2018, 2018:1-9.

[10] Lina Zhao, Yaping Peng, Xiaoyun Zhang, Jun Li, Xiangfeng Zheng, Qiya Yang, Maurice Tibiru Apaliya, Hongyin Zhang*. Integration of transcriptome and proteome data reveals ochratoxin A biosynthesis regulated by pH in Penicillium citrinum. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 46767-46777.

Main Scientific Research Projects

1. The Key Research and Development Program of Zhenjiang-Modern Agriculture (NY2021008).

2. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31701971), the mechanism of control and degradation of ochratoxin A on grape by Yarrowia lipolytica.

3. The China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2018M630532).

4. The Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University (No. SKLF-KF-201710).

5. The Open Foundation of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Eco-Agricultural Biotechnology around Hongze Lake (HZHLAB1703).

Number of postgraduates under supervision


Number of supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of supervised undergraduates


The above information updated


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